Dear Sir in the Mall...


Dear Sir in the Mall;

I'm a Mom of a beautiful and very spirited little girl. You haven't gotten to know her but today you did see her.

Today we went to the mall- a feat I have not yet endured post surgery by myself for probably six months. Sure we have tried one or two small stores most with buggies to reign her in.

But today I thought we would conquer the world... Until my sassy three year old fell to the ground in tears having a tantrum. I tried my best to pick her up and walk out of the mall with my dignity but then dear sir; you made a joking comment to a passerby who I'm sure you didn't know about my child and dear sir, I don't think you meant any hurt but your words stung me very deeply.

Because Dear sir; you do not know the battles we have faced since the beginning of her life until now. Dear sir, you don't know the joyous victories we have won. You don't know that for three months I could barely be a mom and now we are getting out feet back...
You dear sir just saw a three year old girl on the floor screaming.

Dear sir; you didn't see the struggle I face as a mom and lend a helpful hand, you judged without knowing me or my child or the situation.

A quick joke which you probably won't remember by days end will taunt me for weeks to come saying what a bad mom I am and how I need to step up the plate, how I am a failure and my child is uncontrollable.

Dear sir; please really think next time you see a situation similar in the future or the battle that a parent is facing. Dear sir; a momentary judgement can be hurtful more then you know and leave a wound that weighs heavily on the recipient.

Dear sir; I don't know you and you don't know me.  Just please be kind and remember we all have our own battles and one word can shatter someone's heart.


A Mom

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