A follow up post to this mornings...

Deep breath in.... Exhale...

Sometimes... Life has a funny way of changing and sometimes we need to role with the punches.

Today I was scheduled as an on call patient. There are no guarantees when it comes to this on call patient list as emergencies always happen and they forewarned me that even at the last minute I may not get the surgery done today.

If you know me you know I'm not a patient person and I also like things done my way...
So waiting for almost three years for this surgery has not been an easy task... Everytime we get close, something comes up. I got the call at 9am to come in to start my prep. I got the needles, I was in my robe... I cranked "fight song" and "roar" in the car to get me pumped up... I was READY...
So when my name was called today and I was told I would not be having the surgery due to two emergency cases I was devastated.
The nurse who came to tell me the disappointing news told me this after she saw tears welling in my eyes.. I believe everything happens for a reason and today just wasn't that day.
I could sit here all day and play the what if game.... But at the end of the day it won't solve anything. I'll still have to wait for another surgery date.

Through this journey I've been connected to some pretty awesome people...
One is a really awesome girl. She was Involved in a horrific car accident a few months back and had her life completly thrown upside down... Not an easy thing to deal with I'm sure especially having a baby boy and sweet family at home.
She has been such an encouragement in my life and if we have bad days we talk it out..its so great to know someone else is walking a similar path... And is just there for me.
Today after I went home and cried my mom reminded me of something. She told me Jess do you remember when your friend was in that really bad accident and she needed emergency surgery. Now Think of that person today that needed that surgery... They need to be there.. Wowzer Mom..  That was a wake up call and definitly put it into perspective.
So instead of being caught up in my own life drama... We stopped and prayed for those situations... Those people who NEEDED to be there and take my spot. We also thanked God for my beautiful new friend that she is healing and is doing so well today because of that needed spot.
Its hard not to be selfish in those situations... But I know my day will come and I'll be rescheduled and it will be done.

I just hold on to hope that each little thing that I'm going through along the way has a life lesson hidden inside.

Like the other day After work;  I stopped in at Walmart to pick up a curtain rod. I was standing in the 20 item or less line when I noticed this girl snickering and staring.
I've grown accustomed to people looking at my stomach as it looks like I'm pregnant on half my body. But this girl was really laughing, she then turned to her boyfriend and he looked up, looked at me and laughed. I thought maybe I had something on me.... But I looked down and I noticed the bottom of my bag sticking out a bit. They were actually making fun of me in front of my face.
I walked past them and could still hear them so I just smiled and walked past.

I paid and went to the car where I sat for a few minutes in silence...then the dam broke and I just sobbed. How dare they make fun of me...they don't know anything about me or my story or what I've been through. How can people be so mean?  Dont they know that this plastic piece on my stomach is saving me from pain? That so.many people have one and you wouldn't even know?

Friends... I'm not looking for pity or I'm not trying to get "likes" or see how many comments I can generate. I just want to ask you to be kind to others. To see someone life through their eyes and put your standard of a perfect life aside to kneel down and help someone today. It doesn't take much to give encouragement or to show love.
I encourage you to pray for those who make fun of you or who cut you off... Or those people who just get on your nerves. Something I've learned is everyone is going through their own battle... And who are we to judge that.

All in love;


As an athlete you prep for weeks before your big game so that when it comes down to the actual day your ready.
You train your body and exercise and get the needed sleep. You eat a special diet and you push your body past its regular state to accomplish big goals.
I think this is why a loss is so incredibly difficult.

I feel like I've been training for almost three years for today.  I've pushed myself to the brink...I've given up foods with seeds, strings, peels and so on and so forth. I've trained myself on my ostomy and on living a different life style. I'm ready...

So as I wait for this much anticipated call to tell me to come in to have my surgery today I can't help but be nervous.
I've been prepped on the game plays.  I've known the details of my surgery for a year. I know what my surgeon wants to do and how if its not successful two other ways we can go about getting a touchdown.

When you have to wait for  something; like truly wait for something; whether it be test results or to have a baby or to have a life altering surgery... It gives you perspective and teaches you gratitude.. It shows you that what your waiting for is important and that it is a priority. It shows others around you what you value and it gives the opportunity to allow others walking similar battles to come beside you and hold your hand and lift you up and encourage you.

I am so thankful that I've been given an AMAZING support circle and many prayer warriors.

Don't do it alone. Find someone, a friend, a family member, someone who can come beside you and be an encouragement to you. It's okay to be vulnerable... I've learned that the more I hide my journey, the lonelier I become. Ever since my first surgery in April... I have had freedom. Not everyone wants to hear or talk about personal issues...find those people who will listen. The amount of times I've heard I'm walking through something hard too is unreal when you get out of your comfort zone and just open up about your journey. I don't go into full detail with people unless they ask me questions and want to know more.

Trust that God is up to something and working it all out for your good. Sometimes it takes a LONG time... Sometimes it happens immediately... But trust in the Lord.
Proverbs 3:5 says to trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding... Sometimes what we want and think is best for our lives isn't what God has in store. He has something so much better.

Lean on his word. He tells us if we delight ourselves in the Lord... he gives us the desires of our hearts Proverbs 37:4....

And crazy enough as I'm writing this I just got my call to come in....

Its Game Time Y'all! I'll post on the other side.

So funny enough the day after I write a post about being more intentional with my life... Two things happened that made me step back and say to myself... Why am I rushing through this and why did this make me so upset?

The first was an innocent mistake... A few days ago I wrote on a chalkboard sign for my kitchen ... BE INTENTIONAL... Its a daily reminder to take the time and enjoy life and do things with intent... I was rushing to write this sign before I went out and in my rush I forgot the "T." How ironic was it that I spelt the very word wrong that I was trying to live out.

If you know me, you know I run late... Alot! I really don't do it on purpose... I try really hard to not be late but sometimes it happens..
So this is an area I am working intentionally on to make sure I am on either on time or early to an event or a get together.

Anyways, today I went out with my coworkers tubing but first I packed up Zo and had to drop her off to my Moms house. But I couldn't find my keys anywhere. I knew I had locked the car when I came home. I knew I had put them on the black table in my front entry but they weren't there when I went to grab them... I searched EVERYWHERE! I was supposed to spend time with my mom before I left because we hadn't seen each other and wanted to chat and catch up! I ripped apart my newly cleaned house looking for these keys... Finally In the basket of Zoeys grocery cart hidden under a mound of toys there they sat. I got so upset with her. I scolded her for touching them and hiding them.

I drove to my moms and looked in the mirror to see a hurt little girl. I pulled into my parents drive way and just hugged her and apologized for getting upset. She was pretending to be mommy. She didnt know that I was in a rush and needed to leave then to make it on time.

So my lesson for myself today is although our intention might be there to make ourselves better. It's not going to change magically over night. Change takes time and action and doing something well you have to practice. Now I know that I have to put up the keys if I don't want my two year old to play with them.

Don't take life so seriously... My mom and friends forgave me for being late...and next time I'll try harder!

For the past few years I've felt caught up in a chaotic circle that doesn't end... Meeting after meeting, job expectations that don't bring joy, not truly enjoying my family time, running from one end of the city to the other fitting people in last minute...but never feeling contentment from true connection. Ever feel like that?

This life can be lonely... I have found I isolated myself from real friendships... And sad to actually write this,  I had isolated myself from my own family... Being there but not truly being present.

I acquired stuff to make me happy... One more wall piece would fill my heart. One more item of clothing would make me feel better...  But what I desired most of all was acceptance and some how through trying too hard.. I wasn't gaining anyone's acceptance... I was pushing those who loved me away.

I realized this one night when I had started my day at 6:30 running my husband to work then I spent the next few hours running around trying to get Zo to her babysitters and groceries done and then to my job which I didn't fully love... I then would pick up Zo (usually late, again trying to please) and then rush across town to home to get supper on and then wait in a parking lot sometimes till 9 to get my hubby from work... This was day after day for a year. We never saw each other, never had fulfilment in the jobs we were in and were constantly on the go.

We needed a change. Our first real change came when we decided to move back to the city where we had met.

With this change our first priority was putting our lives back on track to where God wanted us. We got involved in church again and reading our bible's again. We seeked his will for our lives.
Secondly; We started to declutter our life..One object at a time..But not just physical stuff. We let go of baggage that we didn't need... And we gained back precious time together.

Third; We made family time a priority... Our focus became what could we do to make our family life whole. I took a night contract so I was available with Zoey during the day(unfortunately no sleep + active two year old don't mix) but now am in a perfect contract that I can have more time with Zoey and still make a difference at work.

I can truly say I love what I do now. I work with people with developmental  disabilities in an independent living setting. I thrive at my job and have been involved in some pretty cool experiences through it.(and the pay/benefits are amazing... 100% of my ostomy supplies are covered) I work every other weekend but those 2 12 hour shifts give me the time to be home with Zo during the weeks.

A friend of mine told me about the Konmari method... It's a book you can buy... I got a basic low down of it and it is keep items in your house that spark joy... So that is our next step. Making our home our own by keeping what we truly like and need not keeping items out of necessity(like having 10 spatulas, or 100 towels) or keeping things out of guilt (gifts that you wont use, broken items etc)
So far my living room has gotten a major overhaul. It looks like my home now and I want to spend time in it.

The next two areas we are working on are:
Our health and being intentional with friendships.
Our health means we are focusing on living a healthier life style, less junk! And more moving.

And friendships;
We have had friendships that weigh us down, where we have to do the work 100% of the time. Where you leave a get together feeling like the dirt of the earth We are focusing our attention to those who bring us up, who inspire us and those who want to make an effort.

(Check out my next blog about intentional friendships and our health journey in the weeks to come)

I write all of this to say; I want to start enjoying my daily life... Actually being in the moment and getting rid of the stuff that drags me down.

How about you? What things "spark joy" in your life? Are you going day to day without actually being in the moment?

Live your life in such a way that when people see you they see joy without you having to say a word. Love your family and those closest to you and be thankful for what God has given you everyday.

Growing up I felt fairly secure in my family. I had three younger brothers and although we were all different ages we got a long pretty well. We were always outside playing and getting messy!  
I felt my parents loved each other and loved us and the world was rosey and nothing could break that bond.

Fast forward several years and several moves... At the age of 15 I was away at a camp as a Councillor for the summer when it happened...my parents divorced. 
I didn't want to come home as camp was a place where for a minute I could pretend that the pain and agony that was happening at home didn't exist.
The people at my camp surrounded me with their love and support and to this day I am forever grateful for the impact they had on my life...  but the summer had to end and school looms in September so I had to go home and face reality... 

But first, I couldn't actually go home to what I knew... we moved from a few different places with different families from our church until finally my mom was placed into a small home through the local housing program.

Going home was different, going to school was different, going to church was different. Seeing my friends was different... Back in reality, no one knew how to approach me...
I was the broken kid from a broken home.

I felt my identity slipping away.. who am I if my parents no longer loved each other... they brought me into this world out of love and now they hate each other. I was so mixed up and confused about who I really was.  I started questioning why God put me on this earth. Why would he put me through such pain.  If I just went away would anyone really care... I considered suicide several times but the thought of my brothers pain kept me from acting on it.  I was in a really low place, I pushed away friendships and relationships. I distanced myself from my parents and brothers and isolated myself. 

Then the light shined through.....

At the end of grade eleven, I went on a trip to Honduras with my church. 
There, giving the love to the babies at an orphanage, making bracelets and playing soccer with young girls who were in jail and feeding those hungry tummies at a feeding center, my identity started to show through. 
God had made me to serve. My heart was mending through each ladle, through each hug to a broken child, through each act of kindness. I returned home with a promise... "he has a plan for your life..."
I came home changed and ready to take on the world... 

I enrolled in bible college and went down to Rhode Island to pursue a degree in biblical studies. 
I had dreams of opening centers for woman so they could pursue their dreams, stay off the streets, get an education. Break the cycle of prostitution and feeling like they had to sell their bodies.
I traveled to New Hope Church In Albany, NY several times where they had these programs established. I got to live and breath what the centers actually were and what I needed to do to make these "Dreams" become a reality. 

I kind of lost my dream along the way, but God has a funny way of bringing it back around. 
Recently I moved back to the same city where the divorce happened. 
Moving home kind of brought the feelings of rejection, of who Am I Really up again...

But hear this...
"You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good." -Genesis 50:20

My Identity is not lost. I am a daughter of the most high God. He says I am his and he has HUGE plans for my Life. I will not let the enemy have a foothold in my life. It will come up over and over again with every new situation in my life. I am not a broken person... my God has put the puzzle of my life back together and he holds me in his Hands... I can have a past... but I am not defined by it. I will not let excuses or circumstances change who he says I am. 
Someone needs to hear this today.... God Has A Plan For Your Life... (Jeremiah 29:11)
He has given you dreams and wants you to pursue these.
Just because a dream doesn't come together in your timing doesn't mean it won't happen... it means its not time yet. I have been waiting 10 years for my dream to become a reality... and little by little,piece by piece its being orchestrated. 

Don't be afraid to dream big dreams... We Serve a Big God! 

Well I am heading home from the hospital today. I have been doing very well here. They say the most important thing after bowel surgery is to get up and walk to gain your strength back and I guess I've been bored because I've been walking non stop.
I am learning a lot about myself and my new lady friend princess peachy poo who will be with me for The next 6-8 months.

I've learned that I have this strength within me to push myself further then I think I can. My first day was awful. I could barely make it out of bed.. But its important to get out of bed so you don't get blood clots and the more you move the more your body heals. The nurses have told me I have a fantastic attitude towards everything.
I admit.... Pooping into a bag sucks but it certainly beats the alternative. I did a lot of research between YouTube videos and online forums before surgery, I discovered so many people have ostomy bags and usually they are life time! I attribute my being able to handle measuring my poop and counting intake vs. Outtake to working at Christian horizons. I love my job and I've dealt with a lot of poop during my 6 years there. It doesn't bother me at all so getting used to that aspect isn't hard.

I've learned that its okay not to always be in control and to manage everything. I can rely on my husband and my family to take care of things when I can't. Zoey has been sick all week and I have felt so useless being here in the hospital. Even when I go home I'll have to put myself first and her second for a while but in the long run knowing its all for her.

I've learned that the hospital staff is unbelievably caring and wants the ultimate best for you. My day nurse Angela has been amazing. She has comforted me when I've been emotional and was easy to joke around with.

My room mate has kept me in stitches all week with some crazy bed head and a great personality!

This is just the beginning for me... I've been learning so much already... Like princess peachy poo likes to make the most embarrassing sounds especially when people are around.
I've learned that you can be going through the roughest time but to trust in God and everything will work out... Not necessarily the way we think but the way God sees fit and just because we can't see what's happening down the road or around the corner if we trust in his plan for our life we will overcome.

Please also keep my friend Carmen in prayer. Carmen is an amazing friend who has recently gone through a huge life change is is currently in the hospital in Ottawa. Please donate if you feel led to do so. Her story is so compelling and her family faces many challenges in the future.  See her story here...

This is the fundraising campaign for Support Carmen Hartgerink!: http://de.gofund.me/cpur1w

Anyways that's it for now... I have so much more to learn and I'm growing stronger.... I'm bustin out of here


I had an extremely great pregnancy with Zoey. I had no complications and even had a fantastic delivery... A bit fast and I pushed way to hard but I had a beautiful little girl and that's all I cares about.

I first felt something wasn't quite right at the hospital maybe a day after delivery.

I was checked and sent home with no complications.


Fast forward six months. I started experiencing pain in my lower abdomen and started noticing fecal matter in my urine. At first it was a little bit but it increased.

I went to my doctor and she told me I had a rectal-vaginal fistula. Which is basically when I pushed for Zoey I pushed too hard and in my muscles formed a small hole. Its actually pretty common with women giving birth so my doctor told me it wouldn't take much to fix.

Fast forward two years.... After seeing 6 doctors in Ottawa each telling me that it was out side of their scope and being in the worst pain of my life I moved to Sudbury and within a month I had a surgeon who is amazing and had a MRI and CT scan booked.

Fast forward to yesterday. I have to have three surgeries... The first is this one to get my ostomy bag. Its name is princess peachy poo.

The second will be in three months to repair the actual issues and the third will be to remove the ostomy.

Its been a really long lonely painful journey.
Not many people have known about my journey because it is embarrassing and gross and to put yourself on display is hard.

But I'm learning something huge... First it's not my fault or zoeys fault... Its apart of life and yes it sucks I have learned how to deal with it.

Second...the more I talk about it the more freeing it becomes. And yes people are going to judge and have their opinions...but I don't care.

This is my journey to get healthy and have another baby part of it is my emotional healing.

I serve an amazing God who heals and provides and protects.
My future is in his hands. 💓



My daughter has been sick since last Monday. She has thrown up, had diarrhea and has a double ear infection. She had a small seizure and is finally on antibiotics...

I have been pretty much housebound all week which I hate.
My mother in law calls me her gallivanter because I can't sit at home all day... It makes me crazy so not being  allowed to bring zoey to my moms who runs daycare has been a challenge because we usually spend two or three days there a week.

But today as my daughter naps and I relax for a minute before she's up again destroying my house I realized something...

She needs me... And I need her.
She relied on me all week to supply her with her medication, taking her temperature and making her food without milk products... She doesn't need the chaotic run around life I have some how made apart of our daily routine. She needs me here at home in her environment to care for her to play with her and to just be here with her.

Its okay that my house Is messy...that I did the dishes for an hour and I probably have another hour to do. It doesn't matter that goldfish crackers lay littered across my floor. My daughter who I love trusts me and needs me.

And I also realized another thing... By being home and not rushing around all week I have had time to reflect on my time I've been a mom for the past two years and I can honestly say I've done the best job for my little girl because God gave this beautiful little lady to me and its my job to protect her and bring her up right.

It only took a week but this week has been so worth it. 

I've trusted God more for his blessings. I've truly been grateful for my daughter not being more sick..

Thank you Lord for giving me Zoey. Thank you for allowing me to just have to be grounded so I could take this time to appreciate her more and take the time with you.
Please help me to keep this as an ongoing life change So that instead of living a rushed life where I can't hear you speak I slow down and take that time with you.

Thank you Lord.

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