Intentional Living: One day at a time


So funny enough the day after I write a post about being more intentional with my life... Two things happened that made me step back and say to myself... Why am I rushing through this and why did this make me so upset?

The first was an innocent mistake... A few days ago I wrote on a chalkboard sign for my kitchen ... BE INTENTIONAL... Its a daily reminder to take the time and enjoy life and do things with intent... I was rushing to write this sign before I went out and in my rush I forgot the "T." How ironic was it that I spelt the very word wrong that I was trying to live out.

If you know me, you know I run late... Alot! I really don't do it on purpose... I try really hard to not be late but sometimes it happens..
So this is an area I am working intentionally on to make sure I am on either on time or early to an event or a get together.

Anyways, today I went out with my coworkers tubing but first I packed up Zo and had to drop her off to my Moms house. But I couldn't find my keys anywhere. I knew I had locked the car when I came home. I knew I had put them on the black table in my front entry but they weren't there when I went to grab them... I searched EVERYWHERE! I was supposed to spend time with my mom before I left because we hadn't seen each other and wanted to chat and catch up! I ripped apart my newly cleaned house looking for these keys... Finally In the basket of Zoeys grocery cart hidden under a mound of toys there they sat. I got so upset with her. I scolded her for touching them and hiding them.

I drove to my moms and looked in the mirror to see a hurt little girl. I pulled into my parents drive way and just hugged her and apologized for getting upset. She was pretending to be mommy. She didnt know that I was in a rush and needed to leave then to make it on time.

So my lesson for myself today is although our intention might be there to make ourselves better. It's not going to change magically over night. Change takes time and action and doing something well you have to practice. Now I know that I have to put up the keys if I don't want my two year old to play with them.

Don't take life so seriously... My mom and friends forgave me for being late...and next time I'll try harder!

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